As of February 2021, the path has been opened and lit for Mother Father God to integrate fully in the Flesh, reversing all degeneration. Receive the powerful new SUPERHUMAN Light Body Ascension that is now accessible. This is a powerful new integration of your Galactic Crystalline Self!
This video includes:
♢ Restoration and Rebirth of your Original Harmonic Tone
♢ Activation of your Immortal Nature and Immortal Flesh
♢ Activation of your Original DNA, Blueprint, and Cellular Memory
♢ Receive God’s Finger touching your Finger, activating various Anointments in your Flesh
♢ Activation of Andromedan DNA and Andromedan Codes, regenerating your Soul
♢ Activation of your physical financial abundance, assets, harvest, and manifestations from Shekinah the Holy Spirit
♢ Removal of premature aging, cellular degeneration, saturn, time, ai agendas, slave contracts, past timelines, blocks, entities, etc.
♢ Activation of the Magdalene Codes and Magdalene Seed Branch
♢ Integration of the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, the Dove, becoming ONE with you in your Flesh and DNA
♢ Integration of the Holy Grail’s Galactic Star Systems and Omega Stargate, becoming ONE with you in your Flesh and DNA
♢ Integration of the Interstellar Galactic Holographic Crystalline Component of Self, becoming ONE with you in your Flesh and DNA
♢ Integration of God the Most High YHWH into your Root Chakra, on your Throne, becoming ONE with you in your Flesh and DNA
♢ Integration of the Galactic Center Field in the Galaxy, into the Galactic Center of your Body, becoming ONE with you in your Flesh and DNA
♢ Integration of the Heart of Mother Gaia in your Heart, becoming ONE Heart and ONE with Gaia
♢ Activation from Judah to merge of all the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Land, All Star Nations, and your Body as ONE
♢ Activation of the Queen Bee Cosmic Mother’s Wisdom, Truth, and Divine Feminine Christ Leadership
♢ Activation of your Star Tetrahedron Ascension Protection Vehicle
♢ Activation of the Andromedan Sisterhood of the Rose and Rose Frequency into your Merkabah
♢ Activation of the Lion of Judah Divine Masculine Christ Embodiment into your Merkabah
♢ Activation of your Immortal Tree of Life Embodiment Code
♢ Activation of White Buffalo in your body, bringing you peace, forgiveness, healing and closure
♢ Activation of the Milk Nourishment from the Milk and Honey Holy Anointment of your flesh
♢ Shamanic Healing Fire Ceremony in the womb for freedom, restoration, and immortality
♢ Activation of the Abundance Codes bringing abundant overflow and birthrights from the Most High
♢ Activation of your new Infinite Crystalline Light Embodiment that transmutes everything lower that 12D - 24D
♢ Activation of your reunion with your Galactic Star Family, Tribe, and Home on Earth and in Heaven