Exit surviving in the financial matrix systems, and
financially thrive in New Earth!
The NEW EARTH WEALTH GENERATING PROGRAM is for the Wayshowers, Starseeds, Lightworkers, the 144000, Rainbow Warriors, Empaths, and Earth Angels that are here to be Leaders in birthing the New Earth Financial Systems.
Are you ready to be financially thriving with abundant overflow?
The codes included in this Wealth Program not only activate and align you to create New Earth Wealth, but in addition, you are growing your Family’s financial legacy to prosper and thrive for future generations to come.
The program focuses on:
Alignment of your abundant financial future in New Earth
Clearing wealth blocks, debts, contracts, programs and beliefs
Receive your financial abundant birthrights
Be fully taken care of, protected, and guided by Source
Restore you and you Family’s health, peace, happiness, and longevity
Receive access to a wealth of financial wisdom and future financial prophecy
Feel great, excited, and passionate about creating your New Earth life and lifestyle
The Wealth Generating Program invites us to release all remaining limiting beliefs and ancestral patterns of financial struggle to the zero point. This is part of our Collective birthright to relinquish us from matrix top down financial control systems. That paradigm is coming to a close, and through us, we can release all equations of that template.
This mean rewiring our cells, DNA, telomeres, consciousness and subconscious beliefs to a completely New Earth system. This NEW EARTH WEALTH GENERATING PROGRAM targets and aligns exactly this.
Our purpose and mission is to birth this New Earth Wealth reality and income as part of the paradigm shift into 5D. When we become one with this reality, it becomes one with us, making this process very simple.
The planetary shift, collective energies, and our personal efforts to heal and evolve have prepared us for this next wave of financial ascension growth.
Join us and receive all that this program has to offer to
become a forerunner and Wayshower for the New Earth Wealth Generation
This programs is 8 audio modules that will support you over the next few months and years, during this Galactic shift of ages we are in.
Focus on listening to one module a week to integrate and align the codes, clearings, healings, and activations.
These modules can be listened to once, or repeat daily as guided.
Once you have completed all 8 modules, you can return to any or all of them as guided.
Module 1
Activating God’s Wealth Consciousness
Activating the pineal and pituitary glands
Download feeling safe and protected
Healing trauma and abuse around money
Receive the karmic debts owed back to you
Receive financial justice from mental slavery
Clearing outdated money beliefs
Activating God’s beliefs of generating wealth and money
Protection over your God Wealth Mind
Clearing financial setbacks
Activation to be a Creator of your life ​
and more!
Module 3
Clearing blocks in receiving wealth, abundance, peace, joy
Clearing financially sacrificing
Release old earth ways of creating wealth
Releasing programming, stored trauma, karma, entity removal, and ancestry
Activating the DNA to have the home and lifestyle you desire
Receive the Key to God’s Kingdom
Receive the Wealth of God’s Kingdom manifest in your life
Collect wealth owed to your family tree and ancestry
Healing relationships that affected your wealth
Activation to receive more than enough to remain in a surplus
Activation of long term success and growth
Connect to the New Earth collective wealth exchange
Receive supportive New Earth wealth generating systems
and more!​
Module 5
Activation to merge as ONE with New Earth Financial Wealth
Activation of the brain, spine, chakras, cellular memory, and grounding cords
Clearing blocks, systems, genetics, interferences, and division that separated you from having wealth
Releasing beliefs of how it looks to have wealth
Activation to receive thats be taken or blocks back wealth 10 fold
Activation to have abundant supply and overflow be your normal daily life
Activation to have whatever you need manifested into the now moment
Activation to receive external energetic support bringing abundance into your life
Activation to open the heart chakra to receive and attract wealth
Activation of the love of wealth and abundance
and more!
Module 7
Grounding physically into New Earth
Integrating in love, wealth, health into your life
Receive the safety of Mother Father God
Activation to create practical wealth plans
Activation to trust you are making healthy wealth decisions
Receive action steps from the Most High
Connect your life into the Oneness field of creation
Ground into the temple of God
Activation to fulfill God’s plans for you through you
Activation to be secure, stable, and supplied for
Activation to be fully taken care of by God in all ways
Clearing fears, stress, and worries that create instability
Receive new balanced lifestyle plans and structures
and more!
Module 2
Set boundaries with debt
Clearing external energies that create debt
Genetic clearing of debt slavery
Clearing contracts that are creating debt
Clearing the beliefs around debt
Activation of an infinite wealth consciousness
Clear unhealthy spending patterns
Clearing envy, greed, comparing, and jealousy
Activation to easily purchase what you desire
Activation of thriving opportunities
Easily attract a pleasurable lifestyle
Activation to live a life of free energy
​and more!
Module 4
Clearing energy vampires, exhaustion, and depression
Restoration of your leadership in financial wealth and abundance
Activation of protection of your wealth, yourself, and family
Receive your Galactic Avatar into your DNA
Restore your Galactic position of wealth
Restoration of all your life force energy into your cells
End your old earth service and mission
Birth you New Earth wealth life cycle
Receive debts owed back to your heritage
Clearing struggling and financial survival
Activation of a thriving healthy lifestyle with peace and pleasure
Activation to have healthy and safe food, water, and shelter
Receive divine intervention to be taken into your abundant life
and more!​
Module 6
Clearing sickness and purging thats blocking wealth
Clearing ancestral genetic health conditions
Clearing external energies being used to damage health
Clearing fears, worries, and lack around money
Clearing poverty belief systems
Clearing using health conditions to play it small
Receive healing and ascension growth of the body
Activation to be healthy so you can be wealthy, abundant, and thriving
Activation of strength, willpower, energy, drive, and confidence to be successful
Program new conscious beliefs that you are healthy, prosperous and thriving
Receive miraculous divine healing for any health conditions in your family
Activating your New Earth physical body and Spirit
and more!
Module 8
Activation to know what is coming to prepare
Connection to the Quantum Field of information
Receive Wisdom and knowledge direct from Source
Receive your connection into God’s Flower of Life
Activate your ability to travel through the Astral Universe
Receive access to the tools and blueprints of Creation
Activation to Generate Wealth
Psychic activation to clearly hear Spirit
Activation to birth what have already been manifesting
Activate the power to create through your words, thoughts, concepts, and ideas
Align with information of the bigger cycles and changes of the Universe
and more!​